North Yorkshire Wildlife Photography: A Journey with J P Watson Photography Welcome to the first…
Nature Wildlife Yorkshire Landscape
Nature, Wildlife and Landscape photography in North Yorkshire.
Nature and wildlife photography in the landscape of North Yorkshire, in the early Summer of 2020. In some ways has been testing, And in others enjoyable as you can see from the above photographs. We are trying new techniques to bring the best out of our Photographs. These we have Learnt over the last few months while sat at home. At this time, We haven’t really got, Any confidence to stray too far from home. Really early on a morning, J P Watson Photography can be found in our local Nature Reserves. Before most people get up in the morning. North Yorkshire Nature Reserves have such a calming influence, First thing on a Summers Morning. The Sun shining, Birds are singing and Nature is awakening.
At Staveley Nature Reserve they have remodelled the East Lagoon. And brought the lake nearer to the viewing point. Which makes the lake more photogenic, Certainly for sunrises as seen in the above photographs. Also brings the wildlife nearer which is fantastic. so we can be more imaginative with our photographs. Which we hope you will enjoy!!!
Over the next few months. I hope that I will be able to use these techniques. So that we can keep improving the quality of my photography and that you will be able to see the difference.
Our website is updated regularly so please keep visiting.
Social Media
Our Facebook page has Been updated throughout the current crisis. That has increased its page followers and page likes by incredible amounts. to a lesser extent, our Instagram page and also Twitter feed so a huge thank you to all our new followers on all our social media accounts.
And finally
To all our loyal fans and your families stay safe and look after yourselves.